The Do’s & Dont’s Of Social Media at Weddings


Thursday, June 9

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To tweet or not to tweet? Social media has become a huge part of our lives, and a significant part of the wedding world. Whether you chose to have a celebration full of instagrams, tweets and snapchats or a technology free day, there are most definitely some guidelines we think are important to follow as the host and as the guest. We have compiled a list of the essential Do’s & Don’t of social media at weddings to give you the inside scoop on when its okay to snap and post!

For the Bride & Groom:

DO come up with a hashtag. Using a hashtag for your wedding is a great way to capture all of the special moments that occur throughout the wedding in one place. Some of our #callunacouples have been tremendously creative like #hailtothekings from Annie and Thomas King’s gorgeous wedding last summer at the St. Julien, #oliveuforever from Mari-Katherine and Tomas’ Greek-Spanish bash up in Craig, and #exchangingvauxs from Molly and Nick’s mountain wedding at Spruce Mountain Ranch. Make sure to include the hashtag you pick on your wedding website, save the dates or invites to get the word out there!

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DON’T post your engagement on social media before telling your loved ones. Facebook and other social media platforms may be the easiest way to spread your exciting news but your parents, siblings, and grandparents will most likely appreciate hearing the news from you first. After you’ve talked to them, feel free to post away!

DO be clear with your guests. Some couples chose to go technology free while others love the idea of sharing their day with the world. If you have specific guidelines about how you want social media to be used, make sure you share that information with your guests to ensure that there is no miscommunication.

DON’T overshare. Being engaged and getting married are exciting times, but you want to be weary of sharing specific details like the cost of things. While everyone is undoubtedly excited for you, keep things internet appropriate.

Photo Credit: Heather Gray Photography 

For the Guests:

DO post lots of pics, but make sure you have the bride and grooms permission before posting any pictures of them.

DON’T be on your phone the entire evening. While social media can be an amazing way to connect and share all of the special moments of the wedding, make sure to be present and enjoy the celebration around you.

DO take a group selfie. A group selfie is a great way to get the crowd relaxed and ready for a fun night. Squeeze all your loved ones into a big photo and look back on the moment with laughter. Yes, we all thought we would never own a selfie stick but sometimes they come in handy!


DONT get in the way of the professional photographer. While you may be beyond excited to share some of your fabulous pictures with the world, make sure the bride and groom get the shots they need.

Expert Tips: Hiring a photo booth for the big day? Look at for companies that can post the pictures directly to facebook like The Vanity Booth Co. Not only will you have a blast taking goofy pictures but you wont have to worry about uploading a single thing! Want to utilize your hashtag and get everyones instagram pics in one place? Try out Artifact Uprising, they can turn instagram pictures into a beautiful book.

Photo Credit: Jessica Christie Photography

Featured Photo: Laura Murray Photography

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