Don’t forget to pick out your something old, new, borrowed and blue. Start thinking about this a few months before the big day so you’re not scrambling on the day of to find things that will work. As your Mom, grandmother and best friends to help you. Your something old could be jewelry or handkerchief passed down from your grandmother or Mom. Or put an old sixpence in your shoe for good luck. For new, consider your dress, veil shoes or a pair of custom earrings made especially for your wedding. You could borrow a ring or bracelet from a friend. And blue could be in your jewelry, shoes, undergarments, or flowers. We’ve eve known brides to sew their something’s into the crinoline of their dress so it’s hidden. Whatever you decide, make sure it’s special and you’ve given it some thought. For my wedding I even typed the meaning of all my something’s into the program so everyone would understand their significance.
Thanks for reading!
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